
Celtic Hills - Huldufólk

Ajouté le 03/04/2022 - 21:44
Celtic Hills - Huldufólk

Genre : Métal

Type : Albums

Nombre de pistes : 12

Label : Elevate Records

1. Celtic Hills - The Secret of the Grail[03:47]
2. Celtic Hills - Metal Message [04:33]
3. Celtic Hills - After the Earthquake[05:35]
4. Celtic Hills - Hidden Folk[04:32]
5. Celtic Hills - Green Forest [04:07]
6. Celtic Hills - Gate of Hollow Earth[03:39]
7. Celtic Hills - Living Out the Egg [04:34]
8. Celtic Hills - The Sound of Earth [03:35]
9. Celtic Hills - The Hammer of Thor [04:42]
10. Celtic Hills - Villacher Kirktag[03:47]
11. Simone Cescutti - Living Out the Egg [04:34]
12. Celtic Hills - Words in Out (Remix 2021) [04:16]

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